
General purpose mod for Green Hell


Version 1.5.0LatestUp to date

Version 1.5

  • Spawn item and remove item syntax changed to pave ground for adding more commands:
  • To spawn use the keyword Get, it will no longer be inferred instead of command name. Get [itemId/SpecialItemName/Alias] [Quantity(Default=1)]
  • To remove use the keyword Remove, since "rm" will no longer be needed the [debug/quantity] parameter comes right after [itemId/alias]. Remove [itemId/Alias] [maxDistance/Debug]
  • New Command - FillLiquid [liquidType] [Capacity(Optional)]. This command will fill all liquid non-bowl containers in the backpack with the liquid and amount requested
  • All LiquidTypes were added to the help text, you can re-export help using the help command to see them.
  • If left out, Capacity will default to the size of the container, I.E Bidon=100, Coconut_Bidon=40 and so on…
  • Capacity parameter can fill beyond the capacity of the container, for example you can use 1000 in the capacity and you will get 1000 units of liquid. The only caveat is more liquid = more weight
  • Teleportation no longer features a loading screen and should be more stable in accounting for environment features
  • New SpecialItems:
  • Stormbreaker a modified metal_axe
  • New Command - CompleteConstructions - this will complete all placed constructions
  • New Command - RemoveConstructions [maxDistance(Default=10)] - this will remove all constructions within the distance
  • If maxDistance is not specified it will default to 10.
  • New Command - EndlessFires
  • This command is a toggle
  • All fires within the distance of 5 will be ignited and endless (require no fuel and can't be distinguished). Calling the command again will extinguish and restore those fires to normal.
  • Upon saving, if any firecamp was turned to "endless" it will extinguished to preserve its construction. FOR THIS TO HAPPEN MAKE SURE THE MOD IS STILL LOADED WHILE SAVING.
  • New Command - UnlockMaps - this command will give the player all available maps and unlock all the locations on them.
  • Codebase restructured to allow better maintainability and make it easier to add functionality.
  • New Command LighterBackpack [true/false] - this command will set the max backpack weight to 999, if you specify [true/false] the setting will be remember and re-activate automatically upon loading the mod. If not it will be turned on manually.
  • Changed Command RestoreSpecialItems [true/false] - like the previous command, now [true/false] parameter can be used to save the state and it will be automatically turned on once the mod is loaded.


To submit bug reports and or feature requests, find me on the GreenHellMods discord server, or contact me on telegram

Released on 2023-09-09

Version 1.4Up to date

Version 1.4

Added Commands

  • spawn GetUnityLogPath - this will log the path to the unity log (useful for troubleshooting)
  • spawn SetTime [Hour] [Minutes] - This will set the clock to the desired time [24 hour format]
  • spawn ProgressTime [true/false] - This will start or stop time progression
  • spawn SaveLocation list - this will list the saved locations and their coordinates
  • spawn SaveLocation [locationName] - this will save the current location under the requested name
  • spawn SaveLocation [locationName] remove - remove the requested location
  • spawn Teleport [savedLocationName] - this will teleport the player to the desired saved location
  • spawn Teleport [latitude] [longitude] - this will teleport the player to the desired location
  • spawn Teleport offset [latitude] [longitude] - this will teleport the player to the offset location
  • spawn Rain - Will toggle between start and stop rain (depending on the current weather)
  • spawn IncreaseSkills [amount] - This will increase all skills by the request amount.
  • spawn Alias [alias] [id] - this will save an alias for an item id, so you don't have to remember complicated item names, these aliases are stored in a file and will be re-loaded with the mod, so they are persistent. If you repeat the command with a different [id] the alias will be overridden.
  • spawn Alias [alias] - Without specifying an item id, the alias if exists, will be removed.
  • spawn Alias list - this will list the saved item aliases.
  • spawn ItemInfo [id] - This will log all the properties inside the ItemInfo for that specific item.
  • spawn [specialItem] - this will spawn an existing item but with modified stats
  • spawn [specialItem] [quantity] - this will spawn multiples of the special item
  • spawn RestoreSpecialItems - this will attempt to restore the properties of the special items it can find in the backpack, Other items with the same id will also be granted the same properties. So either use other items for regular things, or spawn and destroy the special items according to usage.

Features Explanation

  • SetTime and ProgressTime will now allow you to manipulate the game time
  • Rain will allow you to toggle on and off, no longer having to rely on the game weather cycles.
  • Teleport will allow you to teleport either to coordinates, or offset (like 10 meters to some direction…), or to saved locations.
  • IncreaseSkills will now allow you to increase all the skills by a request amount.
  • RestoreSpecialItems will now check against all the item id's in the backpack and restore special stats if it is in the special items category.
  • SaveLocation will now let you save any location you want by name and teleport to it whenever you want. The saves are persistent, they remain when you restart and quit the game.
  • Alias will now let you give any requested name to an itemId, so you don't have to write or remember complex names. Aliases are also persistent and will remain when the game quits and restarts.
  • Spawn and Remove commands will now let you use the saved aliases and they will be the priority.
  • SaveLocation and Alias have list and remove options, check in the above command guide.
  • SpecialItems is the new name for special weapon, as now there are more than weapons, there is another weapon Knife, larger capacity Bidon and Pot, Magic_Pills which is the best food source there is, Ligher which is a fire starter that is instant and requires no stamina, and Kryptonite which is a modified stone that can thrown with extreme force and infinite damage.


With this number of changes and features added there might be bugs that were missed during testing.

To submit bug reports and or feature requests, find me on the GreenHellMods discord server, or contact me on telegram

Released on 2023-08-30

Version v1.3Up to date

Too many changes to list, see updated usage in the main docs

Released on 2023-08-22

Version 1.2Up to date

Added - Item Removal Option

  • * spawn log - this is a switch that will activate/deactivate secondary logging location to a desktop file "SpawnLog.txt"
  • spawn [id] rm [MaxDistance] - this will remove all items with that id that are within MaxDistance from the player
  • spawn [id] rm debug - this will output details regarding all the found items with the corresponding id to a file name "rmDebug.txt" on the desktop


  • Performance improvements
  • Better error handling and debugging options

Released on 2023-08-14

Version 1.1.1Up to date
  • Fixed issue where if quantity parameter was omitted, debug output would cause an exception and prevent the spawning of the item, now it should work properly

Released on 2023-08-13

Version 1.1Up to date
  • Fixed issue where "help" request would append the entire list of ItemIds to a pre-existing file instead of overwriting it.

Added Quantity Parameter

"spawn [id] [quantity]" will now allow you to spawn multiple instances of the requested item.

  • If the parameter will not be entered, it will be defaulted to 1, as you'd expect.
  • Only applicable to items that are inserted into the backpack
  • To prevent causing inventory bugs, always try to spawn one item to make sure no issues will happen.

Released on 2023-08-13

Version v1.0.0Up to date

This is the first version.

Released on 2023-08-01